
O mother

The wheel is turningmmmmmmmm

O mother I wrote this for you 

O mother you always focus your attention mostly on 

me putting your time one side being sister, wife and 

mother because I was the weakest and the sickest of 

6 children

O mother you later learn that I was suffering from 


O mother you rushed me to nieghbours and hospital 

to my treat my asthma attacks

O mother you and me had many adventures at 

hospital together holding my hand crossing the roads 

going to different places and using public transport

O mother my favorite memory is when we waited at 

Red Cross hospital for hours and hours to see doctor

 you knitted and you go rescue the day by spoiling 

me for a treat at the vending machine for cup of milo 

[hot chocolate] that we shared you always knew how 

to steal my heart

You know me to well mother you know best

O mother you always supported me at school and my 


O mother you always help me when I struggled with 

my school work, short of cash, guided me through 

problems and hardship you always there to give me a 


O mother forgive me when I distance myself from you 

to enjoy my time with my friends and forgive me 

when I was naughty and rude with you

O mother I waited for you at the taxi stop when you 

went shopping to bring me something nice or when 

you went out to weddings and birthday parties

O mother you never got tired of me when you went 

through a divorce and I injured myself in a soccer 

match whitch led to a serious operation

the poem your daughter  Yumna wrote for  me when I laying 

in hospital

+To a wonderful brother
You have been suffering for a long time,but yet you would 

always light up the day with a joke or a smile you and I had 
differences but we still did,do and love each other
I might have always pushed away but I love you no matter 

what, you and I have always one thing in common it does 


matter what problems do to us , but you ,me and mummy 

could laugh, sing and most jmportant make doa together 


You might not be here insght but you always here in our 

minds and hearts me and mummy will make doa for you 


Allah grant you your health ,your strength and may Allah 

grant operation be a success inshallah
May Allah also grant emaan and taqwa and sabr in your 


May all your dreams come true and may you be grant many 

years with us inshallah ameem
Dreams are big,dreams small dreams are dreams I love 

them all some come true some want do but nothing is better 

than dream to pursue

O mother you always by my bed side

O mother when I slowly recovered from my injuries 

you got sick

O mother family and friends were shock to find you 

are bed sick

O mother all your children cared for you when you 

laying bed sick and tried to get you the best care 

possible hiring home care nurses and aunty Carol

O mother you cried when I empty your urine bag 

when the home care nurses and aunty carol were off 

on holiday when nobody was around and made you 


O mother you cried and smiled when I put money in 

your hand it was not much but I did

O mother you send me to buy a few toiletries and a 

few items of clothes for and me with your credit card 

unknowing what style and color of clothes I should 

choose I had a funny feeling you would like it you and 

me got more or less the same taste

O mother you send me every week to Mitchell Plain 

Town Center buy control plus large [adult 

nappies],citra  soda and panado or paracitmol and 

bruffin[headache tablets]

O mother I never wanted to take to the food fare to 

scared and afraid what the people might say but I did 

push you in a wheel chair to see old and new faces

O mother I fetched our medication by the Grassy 

park day hospital and took walk to the bakery to 

surprise you buying small cakes taking you down 

memory lane when you use to do it to me making 

you smiles and laugh in tears

O mother I made you smile again when I rinsed your 

face cloth dettol water showing me the thumb ups 

indicating that you like that idea

mother I cheered you up playing your favorite songs 

ub 40 ,lionel Richie ,Dion Warwick,Manhattens,Luther

van dross and more

O mother you and me recited short prayers,laugh 

and cried listening to the radio making a a day of it

O mother I teased you by calling your name 

“Faridah”and you go tease me back like my friends 

call me and talk “Tane duidelik broejie”

O mother you gave me a few good words of advise

 that I still use today mother

O mother you told me that everyday is mother s day

O mother when your eldest son, aunty Carol and me

 struggled to put in the car for last time you could 

barely open yours but you knew I was there your 

words was to me was “okay my boy”

O mother when all your 6 children visted you at Groot

 Shcuur hospital you shouted at us for attention ‘here 


O mother while you laying and got weaker in hospital 

a few of your children and two of yours brothers were 

at your bed side me and your youngest daughter 

Yumna were crying when oldest daughter Mariam 

recited your favorite prayer surat Aragmaan [ witch 

favours of your lord do you deny]your brother 

Shameegh said that was his favorite one also

O mother I cried the longest and the loudest when 

the final prayer was performed on you

O mother before we put you into the hole by the 

grave yard I kissed your feet for the last time it was

 something that I use to do when you were alive

O mother it is still me only  around of your 

children that is not married there is no me with out 


O mother we share a certain kind of bond

O mother whose there now to comfort me or take your


O mother if you would have been alive today to see 

me you would of been in tears

O mother you my Rock!, 

Best Friend!,Hero!,Light!,Right hand!,a shoulder to 

cry on and my World!

O mother you and me alone are a team 


O mother if there was a way to change the past I 

would not change a thing only if I could be spending 

while longer with you

O mother you told me words of a song tell you a 

story this is how I will keep you in my heart by 

expressing my feeling the words of this song [WHEN 


O mother each song in a line or to reminds me of you 

O mother I still feel your presence near

O mother you know that this storey could not be 


O mother if you could only read this I missed you 


O mother your love is irreplaceable

O mother the cut is deep only family and friends 

know how deep

o my beloved mother

It has been years since I cried for you like this


while I was busy writing the story snot en trane 

[tears] I did not know you were busy preparing and 

building me up to be strong person and fighter today 


passed away 23 April 2007

O my beloved mother You give birth to me, you fed 

me when I was small,you clothe me when I was poor 

and nurse me when I was sick

O mummy R.I.P now thank you till we meet again I 

will always love you

A stitch time save nine

But know this

In my e mail address the digits 12 appears it 

symbolize my mother12/12/1969


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