
veterinary nurse

Tyron Guraham


Animals best friend
the veterinary nurse plays an important in caring for sick and

 injured animals  The veterinary have a good relationship 

 the owner and has respect for 
animals they treat animals who are badly infected or injured 
are taking away to the veterinary clinic were the medical 
team [ doctors , surgeons and nurses ] takes care

Veterinary nurse

Tyron, Gruraham is one of the veterinary nurses at Grassy Park SPCA Tyron been working for the animal department as a voluntary and later got full training to become a veterinary nurse from a young age thanks to his stepfather who encrouraged him to do this as a career
tyron offer his service at strandfontein library parking lot in a small truck where he will treat the animals and give advice on a Monday 10 o clock till 11 30 and Wednesday 2 o clock till 3 30 mainly dogs and cats
when tyron is not working takes his 2 dogs for walks and plays with them he is not married but enjoy the time he spent with his family and friends he wants to move to England to work for the RSPCA

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