
Ramadan story


Ramadan month with the Dollie family week 1

Ramadan is the nine month on the Islamic calendar which is a spiritual high and holy 

month for the muslin faith who not only stays away from pleasures and desires [fast] but 

has lots of values and benefits coming out of the Ramadan month
Ramadan month that will last about 29 to 30 days depending on the sighting of the new 

moon it is self restrain and making enormous sacrifices [ big state of control ] to please the

 creator [Allah]
Muslims during the daylight hours purify their souls from any bad habits by praising , 

worshiping , give charity to seek mercy , forgiveness and protection from the 

When muslins go sighting for the new moon it must be visible with the naked eye and fast

from dawn to dust [fajir to magreb]
As the day of fast is taking place for the much older person the young children are 

welcome to join in [fast] and share the blessed Ramadan month
At the age of puberty it is compulsory for a Muslim child to fast but for some parents it is 

common to offer their children to practice fasting at a young age if he or she is fit enough 

to fast
Ramadan month with the Dollie family who are full of excitement for there two little 

children girls Dilsham [8] that has entered the Qur’an [Holy Book of Allah] and Zubayda [5] 

doing her first 5 hour fast
the month of Ramadan for the Dollie children [Dilsham and Zubayda] will be a challenage 

for they will be on holiday in June [school holiday]abstaining from foods,television ,cell 

phones and computer games etc
every day the Dollie children try to carry out the day by keeping them busy with school 

work, cleaning the house, helping in the kitchen and reading about the Ramadan month
By the night time after the Dollie family have breaking there fast for the day [bukar or 

iftar] the children sit in living room and recite together with there parents chapters of the 

holly Qur’an
after the family has made Maghreb salaah [prayer time] and helped clean up the kitchen 

the parents discuss do and don’t s during the month of Ramadan and they must be good 

girls to get up early for breakfast[ sohore or sughoor the last meal before fasting for the 

day] and for faji [ early morning compulsory salaah prayer time ]
the father of the Dollie children Abdul who is on leave and looks after the children and 

prepare the food while there mother Rushda is at work
the parents Abdula and Rushdah Dollie are standing side by side with their two 

children [girls]guide and coping them through the of Ramadan month

Ramadan month with the Dollie family week 2

During the month of Ramadan some   muslims break there fast at

 the mosque bukah or iftaar and muslims at night time 

perform after Ishia [ late night compulsory sallah prayer time] the 

tarawegh salaah which contain of 20 rakaat [sallahs and prayers] 

that is only performed in Ramadan month
It is a prophetic tradition [sun-at] from the prophet 

Muhammad[P.B.U.H] peace and blessing be upon him to break 

your fast with a glass of water and a date [fruit] at mag-rib [prayer 

Female who are going through their monthly period are not allowed 

to fast or make sallah
The older of the Dollie children Dilsham who is coping to fast find 

it a little hard and manages the fast but for the younger one of the 

Dollie children Zubayda can not take it any more she sick and tired 

of fasting for 5 hours said [ I can not fast I am gonna ie ie eat 


and fast for only 2 hours or less Dilsham just giggles small laughs] 


she knows its hard and difficult for her little sister
The parents are happy to let Zubayda fast for 2 hours as she still 

young and small
Dollie children is spending a week with the grandparents and 


[Rushdah mother, father and  2 sisters] 

The late  afternoon the father   drops  the children by the 

grandparents and they are so glad and helps in the kitchen making 

soup,food,cookies and preparing the table with the grandfather and 

auntys for bukah or iftar[ breaking the fast for the day[mag-rib 

the aunties took the Dollie children for a drive to wear off time and

 played with them games in the boundary of Ramadan month
At the table bukah time [Maghreb] or supper time on the 15 day of 

Ramadan month the grandfather ask the Dollie children who s on 

the berg [mountain ] the half way mark or middle of Ramadan 

month Zubayda claims she on the berg said [Me, me I am on berg I 

did fast] Dilsham just giggles and shakes her head to the grandfather
after bukah time the Dollie children play with the grandfather s 

bold head and help clean in the kitchen the grandfather who is to ill 


 fast play with the Dollie children until he goes to mosque to make 

ishia and tarawegh salaah
Friday afternoon their parents pick the Dollie children up and the 

father tell them I got a surprise at home for you

Ramadan month with the Dollie family week 3

Slowly and sad the Ramadan month is coming to an end and some 

Muslim men young and old make their way to the mosque spending 

the last 10 days of Ramadan month in the mosque [idikaaf] making 

a huge effort of seclusion to go in this path away from the family 

and comfort cut them off from outside world [ house,bed and car 

Muslim men who go in idikaaf put there full trust in the creator 

there aim and purpose is to get closer to there creator, sleeping in 

the mosque and praying 24/7 to protect there family , put blessings 

in life and belongings engaging in reciting the holy Qur’an , making 

salaahs [sunats or istigarah salaahs for your self] .tasbeeg 

[glorification] and waque tus [prayer times]doing all that they can 

do to praise the creator [Allah]
Salaah tul layal the biggest mission when muslim men go in idikaaf 

to search for lay la tul qader night the night of power better than a 

thousand months it is when the prophet Mohamed received a 

massage that one of the last ten days of Ramadan on an uneven 

night lay la tul qader is only found
when the Dollie children came home they saw that the house was 

painted and a new front door gate Zubada said Look we got a new 

house now Dilshaam said no you silly billy daddy did paint the 

house and put on a new gate the mother Rushdah said to her 

children that’s not all tomorow daddy ,me and you girls are gonna 

shopping for new eid clothes with lots of enjoyment in her children 

eyes they could not wait for tomorrow
At supper after [bukah ,iftar] or magrieb time Dilsham help s clean 

up the dirty dishes then tells her mother [Rushdah] how was the 

week at her grandparents house she complaints about Zubayda every

 time she sleep late cries and break her fast her mother said to 

Dilshad you were just so she still small
Dilshad then tells her mother about the drive she and Zenaat had 

with the auntys
the auntys took Dollie children to visited some friends of them in 

Phillipi using the old Vanguard drive showing them how the people 

are living in squatters [shacks] along Vanguard drive and how 

grateful they must be
the mother [Rushdah gives her child a lesson in life] Dilshad you 

see my girl there are people with no houses and you cry for food 

and you cry for new shoes theres a man with no feet so you must 

be grateful to the creator[ Allah] that have saved and blessed you

 [ If you be mercy full to others then the most mercy-full will be- 

mercy-full to you ]
Saturday morning at 9 30 the Dollie family went shopping for 

grocery and clothes for Eid from one shop to another looking for 

the right outfit and pair of shoes it became a mad house because of 

some family was shoping around for the some purpose traffic 

became even worst by 11 o clock
The Dollie family had some bad luck with the car by the shops 

[Dilsham and Zubayda] was getting upset [tired]and restless with all 

this drama [walking around standing in ques and fitting on clothes 

while the father was busy fixing the car with a friend the mother 

had an idea and used her cell phone to phone around to find a dress 

while the father was busy fixing the car soon they soughted out the 

car problems and back on the move they were
The mother still phoning and trying to find a theme[matching 

outfits] to wear for eid day
eventually the mother found a dressmaker [Algamdlielah] smiles 

and relief came to the whole family and bought the material at a 

fabric shop near by off they went to take cuttings and 

A long the way home the parents laugh and joke about the hectic 

day they had looking for Dilsham, Zubayda got lost then the mother 

lost her way looking for them , buying odd pair of shoes , car 

problems and phoning around the mother then said can you see a 

mother work is never done
what they bought were just the grocery and material
while driving home pick up there Dilsham and Zubayda cousins to 

spend a few days before they go back to school [Rushdah older 

brother children Omdurman]

Ramadan month with the Dollie family week 4

While some Muslims men are in idkaaf the others Muslim men are 

praying at there homes and preparing there houses for eid day
Male and female are welcome to perform layal salaah [night 


at the mosque
Some benefits to do in Ramadan month
Umrah getting the reward of a full haij [visited the holy land 


and Medinah] ,give to the needy and reciting the holy Quran is all 

good to do whole year but the reward is bigger in the Ramadan 

The tukbier[Allah is great there’s no god beside you]
Fetrah the Muslim person who is to ill to fast can pay or feed a 


fediah is for the all Muslims to pay a poor person who are in need
It was a normal week for the Dollie family keeping them in 

Ramadaan spirit buying them shoes at the shopping mall where 

Dilsham and Zubayda got lost this time parents kept eye and there 

hands before they wonder around
the whole Dollie family got shoes beside Dilshad who got boots 

Zenaat cried she also wanted boots but there wasn’t her size any 

where in the mall the mother then took Zenaat to a toy shop to 

comfort and soffin her pain
Dilshad and Zenaat cousin who was at there family in the area 

while they Dollie family were shopping for shoes later pick them 


to sieep and play with there children
Dilshad and Zenaat playing games [board games, duminos , snakes 

and ladders] with there cousins and mother who was sick for 2 days 
[monthly periods] while the father checking up on the house for 


leaks and cracks and service the car until
The dress maker phoned to do changes
With a hurry off the Dollie parents and children went rushing down 

to the dress maker
 it a took a long time to get everyone soughed out and just a few 

hours later it was time to break the fast for the day while
the Dollie family waited the children   played with their cousins and

 spoke to some people who was also waiting for their clothes and

 told them

how they gonna hena their hands and dress up
Just in time before bukah time said the dressmaker finished there 

clothes for eid day
at the weekend droped off there cousins by their parents and did 

last minute shopping at a near by supermarket [chips, drinks. and 

sweets and pay there fediyah
at the supermarket shopping for some groceries Dilsham and 


saw the street children  askihg for bread money then the parents 

said can you see every day they fast whole year will you do that or 

knock on  the door for a slice of bread shakes from the Dollie 

children father said again now how must they feel so fast now you 

can feel how they feel you must be grateful to Allah for saving you 

said there father
the night before eid the father went to mosque to make magrib and 

slightly after salaah the news was announce that the new moon was 

not sighted and the father and others Muslim men started to make 

the last tarawerg salaah
the mother received the news that eid is not tomorrow from the 

local muslim station on the radio and upset [ tears and cries] for her 

children who could not wait to show there family and friends there 

new clothes Dilsham and Zubayda cried whole night the mother said 

don’t worry be happy you girls you can help me in the kitchen 

tomorrow making and baking food, cake. Savories and cleaning the 

house a smile and a laugh from her children
last day of Ramadan the Dollie family has been busy preparing for 

eid day had some pic up and drop offs to get set up for the big 

lunch [family and friends] at Abdulla older sister Marian place
magrieb after sallah at the mosque the father and all the men 

started to takbeer and the shegh makes a small announcement+ eid 


will be at 7 30
the parents doing late night changes hang up curtains and making 

special treats for tomorrow

Eid day
In the name of Allah the beneficent and the most merecyfull all 

praise is due to you o Allah there is no god worthy of worship 

beside you and I bear witness that the prophet Muhammad [SAW] 

is the messager of Allah [ this is the believes in the Muslim faith ]
the prophit Muhammad recommended it is best to fast the 6 days 


shawaal getting the reward of a full year after eid day
shawaal is the ten month of on the Islamic calendar and the first 

day will be eid day
Muslims celebrate eid day or eid ul fitter indicating the end of 

Ramadan month [the month of the holy Qur’an]
it is very lmportant for all muslim men to go and make eid salaah 

by the mosque to ask for the creator Allah to accept there’s and 

families fast and for all muslimss to pay fediyah before the shegh 

get on the membah 
Dilsham and Zubayda could not wait for there father to come from 

mosque with giggles they saw there father from the living room 

window and ran with smiles and hugs  when he open the door then 

he greeted his wife[Rushdah]
once the Dollie family have greeted the nieghbours off they went 


have lunch by the older sister and meet the rest of the family
when the Dollie family came home the night parents ask children 

what did learn about Ramadan and gonna miss the children said 

together making cookies and must be more gratefull to Allah and 

we must do better next year
From the Dollie family
To everyone who has witness and fasted in the Ramadan month 

may the creator be pleased and accept  your efforts Eid Mubarak to

 you and to shegh Abu baker Ismail and family Eid mubarak
written by uncle Fagrie Dollie Abdula brother




When the caller announce the prayer call [mu atheem]  he is the fiirst one to break his fast

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